No flop
via Talking Points Memo
Talk about unorthodox.
A journalist -- Marc Sandalow, Washington Bureau Chief of the San Francisco Chronicle -- decided to discuss charges that John Kerry has waffled on Iraq policy by actually going back and reviewing his record as expressed in policy statements, speeches and votes.
Not surprisingly, he found Kerry has had pretty much the same position since the whole Iraq debate started ...
[A]n examination of Kerry's words in more than 200 speeches and statements, comments during candidate forums and answers to reporters' questions does not support the accusation [of flip-flopping]. As foreign policy emerged as a dominant issue in the Democratic primaries and later in the general election, Kerry clung to a nuanced, middle-of-the road -- yet largely consistent -- approach to Iraq ...
[T]aken as a whole, Kerry has offered the same message ever since talk of attacking Iraq became a national conversation more than two years ago.
Someone's got to talk to this Sandalow guy and straighten him out. Maybe someone from CNN?
-- Josh Marshall
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