
Oh Jerry...

1935 - 2004


On to business

So far, this is the best of the year sound-wise:

Fiery Furnaces: Blueberry Boat (best mini-operas since "A Quick One", see "Inspector Blancheflower", "Chris Michaels", holy moly, what a record!)
Arcade Fire: Funeral (I didn't take to this at first, but it grows on me)
Leonard Cohen: Songs from a Room
John Cale: "Halleujah" (best voice since L. Cohen!)
Futureheads: S/T (They do XTC better than XTC ever did!)

Toenail and I

It's been almost a month since the toenail fell off. The new one is growing in, slowly. Not much has changed. I looked on this as the start of a new life; I was seeing regeneration before my eyes. It is rare when you can see behind the processes of life, and I hoped this would be the doorway to some sort of spiritual elevation. I put too much weight on a toenail.