

Frist Lies to Matt Lauer

Majority Leader Bill Frist this morning on the Today Show:

LAUER: But when you stood on the floor and you said, She does respond, are you at all worried that you led some senators.

FRIST: I never said, She responded. I said I reviewed the court videotapes - the same ones the other doctors reviewed - and I questioned, Is
her diagnosis correct?

Frist on Senate Floor, 3/17/05 :

I have looked at the video footage. Based on the footage provided to me, which was part of the facts of the case, she does respond..

More from Frist, 3/17/05 :

She certainly seems to respond to visual stimuli.


Killing me softly

I've been eating a lot of apples lately, and cheese. Not together, though apple and cheese is very good together. This isn't that kind of cheese.

All this cheese is going to kill me.


Tom T. Hall-itosis

Summer-time always rekindles my love for Tom T. Hall.