Boysenberry is where it's at. Shazzam!
It doesn't have to be like this
I have never been as excited by a new toothbrush as I am today. I got a Colgate brush with a blue rubber insert that's supposed to polish my teeth. Imagine that! I brush everyday now.
I was up early this morning, around 4.30 AM, and I turned on the Who's 1975 film version of "Tommy". I saw it once about 15-20 years ago, and though I have no definite critical memory of it, I had no desire to ever see it again. After about 20 minutes this morning it all came back in a blur of baked beans and chocolate sauce. What a mess. I am convinced everyone involved was either drunk or stoned or high. I guess you expect a certain level of camp from Ken Russell, but Jack Nicholson "singing" is too much.
Monday morning J. heard a radio program about King Kong and became obsessed with seeing the movie, the way a 2 1/2 year old will. We walked to the video store to rent it, me playing the role of King Kong the whole way. Unfortunately, they only had the 1977 remake. I remembered seeing it at the drive-in when I was 8, and thought that at least the King Kong scenes were entertaining, so we rented it. Big mistake. This movie stinks, and the special effects are lousy. I lost count of the scenes with an obviously fake giant gorilla hand picking up Jessica Lange.
"The real issue isn't physical bravery but moral cowardice.
One of our friends loaned us a video for J. to watch; I will never look at our friend the same way again. It's called "The Brave Little Toaster to the Rescue," and it is the vilest piece of children's animation I have ever seen. Everything about it is bad: the writing, the animation, the voices, the music. What's worse, J. loves it. Each time I have to endure it, I expect to find some redeeming nugget. Unfortunately, each viewing is worse than the last. I never knew a children's video could be so awful, so soul-robbingly awful. I am compelled to burn the video and separate the remains into 37 small packets, and scatter them across North and South America so that this abomination can never take form again.
I have become resistant to paying for a haircut. I'm walking around with clown hair because of my affliction.
I'm either getting old or dying, because I keep hearing Chicago on the radio, and sometimes I almost like it
If you've never had to dispose of a dead mouse many hours after it became dead, consider yourself extremely lucky. I had that honor this weekend, and the smell got inside my nose and stayed there the better part of the weekend. Our mouse was a tiny, dark brown thing, and if it weren't a disease-laden rodent it might have been cute.
(via McSweeneys)
March 19
Winnie's friends came by to take him out for lunch today: a little pig, a pissed-off-looking rabbit, an adolescent kangaroo, and a tiger that had to be on coke. Kirk said he saw them at Sbarro eating their slices and looking scared out of their minds. I guess they live way out in the country or something, so I bet the big city blew their minds...
Why is anyone taking Alan Keyes' candidacy for Senate seriously? The man is a a lunatic.